Wines & Wineries
The area where you will stay is famous around the world for the wines: Barbera, Dolcetto, Cortese, Moscato and Bracchetto. Near the house there are a large numbers of different types of vineyards and you can find all the varieties of grapes that Piedmont has to offer.
Numerous wineries not far from the house (10-20 minute drive), like those of Canelli and Nizza Monferrato, offer the opportunity to visit the cellars and to have private tastings.
You can easily reach the most famous wine regions in Piedmont, like Barolo, in less than 40 minutes by car.
Spa & Wellness
15 km far from La Ginestra rises Acqui Terme, the most important town of Piedmont’s welfare, which has a thermal tradition that takes the foundation from Roman times. The Spa Il Lago Delle Sorgenti will let you have the experience of the true thermal water that comes out form Acqui Terme’s underground at the temperature of 75 °.
Truffles Experience
The Truffle research is a job and a hobby for many people who lives Piedmont, you will see their dogs looking for the truffles in Asti’s countryside, especially in autumn, when it’s time for the white truffles to grow. The city of Alba devotes her major exhibition to the white truffle, researched also in the areas surrounding la Ginestra.
Several trifulau (people that research’s the truffles) live near and if you like we can organize a guided truffle hunting with them to give you an extraordinary experience.
At only 75 minutes driving you can easily reach the Serravalle Outlet, the largest outlet in Europe, famous all over the world for the large variety of famous shops.
Easy to reach is also Milan, in just one hour and a half drive you will find the Fashion Capital full of shopping streets.
From the house you can take long walks in the nature. There are a lot of marked paths that will let you discover beautiful places in the countryside.
You can walk among the winefilds,also cross them and feel the passion of the farmers for their wines, and discover beautiful scenery expecially during the sunset.
If you are interested in cycling, the house is located in the middle of a mountain bike track which will take you in beautiful places, through the heart of the nature.
If you prefer road biking it is also possible to depart from the house and bike through the hills nearby.
We can also arrange a guided bike tour and you can choose different tipes of tours.
Horse Riding
If you prefer horse riding instead, there are a lot of places where you can get a guided tour through the hills of the Langhe and Monferrato.
In just one hour driving you can reach the beautiful beaches of Liguria, one of these is the famous Saracen beach in Varigotti. In Noli you can eat really good fish. Check also Noli & Varigotti.
Skiing & Mountains
In one hour and a half / two hours by car you can reach several ski areas, including Limone Piemonte and the Monterosa Ski Area where you can sky also in the summer.